Think of a futuristic sport.
Design an appropriate character or characters to compete within that
Imagine the location the sport is set in and the environment that the location is situated in."
This is the main part of our brief with Simon Wallett. We are to do this using both 3ds Max and After Effects, it seems. I am going to draw a 2D character, scan it in, then edit on Photoshop or Illustrator (or both?) so I can edit the layers on After Effects, and bring it into a 3D background/surroundings.
The theme is futuristic olympic sports... I came up with a few sports from olympics that I find most interesting (ski-ing/snowboarding, pole vault, triple jump, table tennis, swimming, basketball etc.) and then also thought of some adaptations I could give to sports to make them "futuristic" (jet packs/rockets, underwater, zero gravity, electronic, etc.). I then took these two concepts and decided which ones put together could make the most effective futuristic sport for the olympic campaign.
So far, my main ideas would be zero gravity basketball for a summer olympics, or some sort of rocket powered skis or snowboard for winter olympics (yes, I know Stewie has rocket skis on Family Guy, it is what gave me the idea to be honest, so I might adapt it slightly).
The basketball idea would give me the freedom of choosing from many types of character, such as a human, spaceman, or a suitable animal. However, the reason I think I may be steering towards the winter olympics option is due to a character being more easily related to the winter theme. For instance, I think I would most like to create a penguin character as it could be quite simple, (yet cute!), or a basic eskimo, polar bear or reindeer, influenced by the image given to us with the brief (see below).
I will post some of my sketches and further ideas when they come to me! :)
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