
Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Visualisation - miniature guitar model

This has took me a very long time to produce but I am pretty pleased with the outcome so far. Quite a lot of the parts are still separate shapes, so I will group them together before exporting into my final composition file, due to attaching affecting textures I have set to the separate parts.

Here are some screenshots of progress, and final model of the guitar (model on right):

Starting to model main body of guitar - spline modelling for lots of this - also scanned in the guitar itself to make the main textures!

More modelling of body and parts - detailed parts such as screws, pickups, etc
Finished main body of guitar with parts - added bridge

Starting to model fretboard and headstock - using a box, then extruding and scaling polygons to create curves
Complete model - added textures, frets, strings, etc. Strings are cylinders moved into shape by moving/rotating vertices.

I am now currently trying to model my final item (if I decide to not make the blue beads as I showed in my photograph compositions) which is this lovely item:

Hopefully not as hard as it looks! :)

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