
Friday, 17 February 2012

Pirate Camp Stuff :)

Here is the main part of this brief for Procedural Animation in Maya, given to us by Baris...

" Use your creative skills to produce a dynamic pirate camp that has at least 3 procedurally animated components or environmental effects in it. When designing and animating think about articulation, presentation, timing, camera shots, texturing and lighting.

  • Produce a 30 second animation to demonstrate your procedural animation skills.
  • Present at least 3 different uses of dynamic effects. 
  • Demonstrate your lighting and rendering skills.  "

To start with, I have done a very rough moodboard of the theme and possible objects I may need to model or produce with particle effects within Maya. This features a few googled images of pirate-y objects such as hats, swords, eye patches, chests, etc. as well as camping related things such as campfires and tents. It also features a 3D examples of a pirate camp that I found (surprisingly!).

I have also had a go at modelling a couple of objects to get me started and used to Maya. The first was a sword, although this was just pure practice and I am pretty sure I will produce a totally new model for my actual project, due to it not being the correct style. I also just made a log in Maya, which is quite smooth and roughly textured at the moment. I hope to correct these slight flaws soon as I learn more in the software.

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