
Saturday, 31 March 2012

(Very) Busy with Silent Comedy Animation!

So, it's the Easter holidays and I have so far spent most of it ill and sat at my laptop getting annoyed at CAT rig animation! :) I am starting to get the hang of it now and have managed to do a bit of walking at the start, a hand gesture and a (very poor attempt at) running sequence. I have got as far as my character bending down to pick up the basketball so far, without any morpher animation yet.

This is my first attempt at animating my CAT rig which I uploaded to Vimeo to show progress - a little jump up and down :)

I have also created a very simple environment, which I will probably edit as I go along, so I know where to put my character, etc. whilst animating him. I have chosen to do a cartoony/simple environment, mainly because I don't have the time or the need to focus on this, as it is an animation project. However, I feel the scene does fit quite well with my character's style.

Here are a few quick renders:

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