
Saturday 27 November 2010

Lighting Seminar.

In yesterday's seminar we discussed and practiced the use of lighting in film. I learned that in most lighting situations there are 3 different lights - 3 point lighting. This includes a key light (hard), back light (hard), and a fill light (soft) to fill in the shadows.

I also learned the three main properties of light
-Coherence (quality)
-Colour temperature (colour)
-Intensity (strength)

Taking all we were taught in the first hour into account, we were then given a task for most of the rest of the seminar. Our group was given the task of creating daylight inside a studio, and to evidence it with a short interview style film.

We found this quite difficult at first as it seemed very dark in general, with the subject's face very bright. Once we viewed the film on a PC, iwe also found the quality to be much lower because of the use of automatic settings on the camera. Here is one of our first examples of experimenting with the lighting...

Lighting Practice (First try) from Samantha Freeman on Vimeo.

Later on we realised this was due to camera settings not our poor use of light, so we fixed this and refilmed our interview. We did this by using manual settings - resetting the white balance automatically and setting the iris setting to 0dB. Once we did this, everything was much clearer and the background was black with no obvious shadows. This is the final result of our experimentation with lighting and filters...

Lighting Practice Seminar. from Samantha Freeman on Vimeo.

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